The adoption of AngularJS web development among companies and individual developers has been on a rise in 2021. The community is creating a robust and free framework so as to implement modern technologies into applications. The rich ecosystem of AngularJS has grabbed the attention of a lot of developers, of lately, who use the framework to improve their web app development.
So, what exactly makes AngularJS a trend-setter in 2021?
Features Offered by AngularJS:
AngularJS is one framework that enables developers to absolutely own their web applications!
Two-Way Data Binding
MVC (Model, View, and Controller) Architecture
Scope ( JavaScript Object)
RESTful API Handling
Dependency Injection
AJAX Handling
AngularJS - A Helping Hand to Developers
AngularJS combines components, design patterns, and development best practices into a single framework.
The framework serves as an all-time solution so as to resolve all the challenges that arise while developing SPAs (Single-Page Applications).
AngularJS promises efficiency, convenience, safety, and higher productivity.
The framework has a higher performance, a clean code, smooth updates using Angular CLI, and better error handling, which are all suitable parameters for fast development.
Final Thoughts:
AngularJS services are focused on optimally leveraging the latest frameworks to develop Angular-based robust solutions for our clients. Thinking of giving AngularJS a fair chance for your next project?
Get in touch with a good AngularJS development company and transform your idea into a successful reality with much ease.
Thanks for reading this article! If have any concerns related to software development please reach out to our OnGraph Technologies inquiry portal or schedule a meeting.