AngularJS is a JS-based framework which is used for building dynamic single-page websites. The full-featured MVC framework follows Micro-frontend Architecture and has a low toolchain (Libraries).
AngularJS consulting has become a huge trend these days. Let’s have a look at some of the reasons for the same:
AngularJS has a high learning curve
Is written in JavaScript and HTML
Bi-directional data binding
Client-side rendering
It’s a leading front-end framework for web development
Regular DOM
Makes lucrative websites and also reuses underlying JS’
HTML code and eliminates redundancy
Some Important Features Offered by AngularJS:
Two-way Data binding
MVC (Model, View, and Controller) architecture
Scope (JavaScript Object)
RESTful API handling
Dependency Injection
AJAX Handling
How AngularJS Technology Helps?
AngularJS combines design patterns, development best practices, and components into a single framework. It serves as a great solution to resolve all the challenges while developing single-page applications. AngularJS offers efficiency, convenience, safety, and higher productivity.
AngularJS has better error handling, higher performance, clean code, smooth updates using Angular CLI, which are all completely suitable for fast development.
Final Thoughts:
Hope this piece of information provides you with enough confidence to hire AngularJS developers for your next project.
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